Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeChildren4 Great games for every home

4 Great games for every home

Playing games with family and friends can be a lot of fun if you have good games at home. This is probably the reason why there are hundreds of games on the market. Each of them is having its own charm and ways to entertain you. On one side this is great, but on the other side it may be challenging to choose the right game when looking for a nice gift for our kids, friends or for ourselves. This is why we decided to collect here few games, that are simple, entertaining and we consider worth having at home.


We will start our list with a simple game called Dobble. In this game players have to find symbols in common between two cards. The game is also known as Spot It! in the US.

This game is suitable for ages 6 and above and can be played from 2 to 8 players. There are several ways of playing the game and you can start playing immediately since the rules are very simple. What we like in this game, apart that it is really fun playing it, is that children and adults can play together having equal chances to win.

Actually, from our experience, children often play better than the adults and have greater chances to win 😊

Ticket to Ride

Ticket to Ride is an excellent game that can entertain you for hours. In addition to that, you may learn something new about the geography, since players are building train routes across a map. Game is for 2 to 5 players and there are different versions depicting maps of various countries.

The game is also known as Zug um Zug (German), Les Aventuriers du Rail (French), Aventureros al Tren (Spanish). We really liked the Ticket to ride Europe version and can definitely recommend it to you.

Jungle Speed

If you like to have some action while playing card games, we would recommend you to try the Jungle Speed game. It is great game that is easy to learn. One of its big advantages is that you can play it also with a bigger group of people.

This game is excellent choice when you have many people that would like to play together. Before you start playing, be sure to ask the people to be careful and gentle when trying to catch the totem 😊


Kubb is one of our favorite outdoor games. It is easy to play and you can play it on any outside terrain as soon as it provides enough space.  If you ignore the official tournament rules, you can play it with as many players as you want, split in 2 teams 😊

If you know other great games that deserve place in our list, let us know. We will gladly try them 😊

This article was first published at Johanna Maria website.

Johanna Maria Ivanova
Johanna Maria Ivanova
Happy mommy that wants the best for her children. As a certified early childhood educator in Germany, Montessori pedagogue, primary and secondary school teacher, I am working with children in all ages for more than 20 years.
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