Thursday, February 13, 2025
HomeBabyHow to get free baby stuff and discounts

How to get free baby stuff and discounts

If you are pregnant or you already have a baby, you may be interested in reading the next lines to see how to get some baby things for free and also find products that may be useful for you and your baby.

Babies bring a lot of fun for the family but they are also very demanding requiring you to buy a lot of baby products like diapers, baby cosmetics, toys and many other things. It is not surprising that parents are very attractive target group for the shops. This is the reason many of them will offer you free samples, welcome baby backs and discounts in order to win you as a customer.

This is opportunity for both the shops and the parents since often the products you receive as part of these promotions are quite useful and once you like them, you will continue buying them in the future. To see what goodies we will get, we registered for few baby and family programs and here are the results.

ROSSMANN babywelt club

Depending if you are pregnant or baby is already born, they offer two different welcome packs. Here is the content of the one that you get during the pregnancy:

And this is the one you will get if baby is already born.

In addition, through the ROSSMANN app you will regularly get discounts for various products so you can save some money in a long term as well.

DM glückskind

When you register here, you will get as a present small suitcase as a welcome present and additional coupon discounts through the DM mobile app.

Müller meinBaby

From Müller we got a practical travel pack with few goodies inside

Additional goodies

Apart from the welcome packs, every program offers various discounts and coupons that encourage you to buy products by offering you good deals. Occasionally we received also coupons for free products like diapers and other small things.

We didn’t carefully read the user agreements of these programs, but some people reported that usually if both parents register, each of them will get own set of discount coupons.

We tried only few programs from some of the bigger chains in Germany, but depending on your location, you may find many other options so just search on the internet and try it yourself.

If you have some suggestion that should be included in this list, let us know and we will consider updating this article. Happy shopping!

This article was first published at Johanna Maria website.

Johanna Maria Ivanova
Johanna Maria Ivanova
Happy mommy that wants the best for her children. As a certified early childhood educator in Germany, Montessori pedagogue, primary and secondary school teacher, I am working with children in all ages for more than 20 years.
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